Its a Bluetooth controlled 4 Wheel drive omni wheel robot based on Arduino Mega 2560 (you can use any arduino UNO or due or any, you want), Its not an ordinary robot its a Soccer Robot, and it has participated in 3 competitions teaming up with my other robot, (hope fully i will post about that one as well) and it has secured positions in all 3 competitions!
RoboCom'15 >> 2nd Position (1st Runners Up)
Sentec'15 >> 2nd Position (1st Runners Up)
RoboSprint'15 >> 3rd Position (2nd Runners Up)
If you're not familiar with omni wheels watch this video on youtube:
The above video is not of my robot, but the video demonstrates the movement of wheels.
watch this video as well:
The video belongs to RoboCom'15 Semi final round, at that time the acrytic sheets were white, I replaced the old white sheets with blue.
The title photo has the shield of RoboSprint'15 Competiton.
So ? Excited to make one ? Lets start!
Step 1: Gathering Components
For Main Circuit:
1x Arduino Mega 2560 (or arduino UNO or any arduino board you have)
1x HC05 Bluetooth module
2x L298 Hbridge module
1x 12V battery with good rating (I used 12V dry battery with 2.3AH rating)
1x Battery Charger
4x 12v Geared motors with good RPM & torque (I used 250 RPM geared motors)
4x Omni wheels (I used 60mm diameter double aluminium omni wheels each wheel had 10 rubber rollers)
Jumper wires (male to male & male to female as per requirement)
wire (normal house wiring wires, for connecting motor to Hbridges)
For Kicking Circuit:
(this is optional, if you don't want to make a soccer robot just a simple 4WD omni wheel robot then, skip this)
1x Car door locking gun (you can get this easily from an autoparts shop)
2x 12V Relays
1x Small size breadboard
2x BC547 NPN Transistor
2x 2.2KOhm Resistor
For body:
3x acrylic sheet 20cm x 18cm, 4mm thickness is enough (any colour you like)
saw tool for cutting
12x 4 inch long screws with 36 nuts (use with washers for stability)
8x zip tie's (also called cable tie's)
4x mounting hub (for connecting motor to your omni wheel)
or To couple motors with omni wheels you have to go to someone who has a 'lathe machine'.
Thats all you need now lets make one!
For controlling robot we will use an android smartphone.
Step 2: Making Body
We have 3 sheets, Bottom, middle and top.
Bottom sheet:
the bottom sheet should be cut in to the shape as shown in figure, to fit motors. (as shown in the other figure)
it has 8 holes for screws (from bottom to middle sheet.) and 4 holes across each motor as shown in figure 3 for zip ties (also called cable tie's)
Middle sheet:
As shown in figure 4, middle sheet has 8 holes for screws coming from bottom and 4 holes for screws from this middle sheet to top sheet.
Top sheet:
Contains 4 holes for screws coming from middle sheet.
Assemble all three sheets with screws, motors, zip tie's and your body is complete..!
Step 3: Making Main Circuit
Use Jumper wires for making connections.
Or if you find problem seeing the wires then I added step by step images download it from here:
Step 4: Making Kicking Circuit
The schematic diagram is provided make this circuit on breadboard (or verroboard) the connect he coil gun with the connector,
the circuit is a relay based h bridge the car door gun runs when voltage is applied and it goes back when polarity is reversed.
the base pin of both transistor is connected with arduino mega 2560 as written in figure.
place the car door gun on the bottom sheet between all motors you can make a support for it, like i have made a support using acrytic and taping as shown in figure 2 of this step.
Step 5: Programming Arduino and Testing for the first time!
For programming please detach the 4pins of bluetooth module from arduino and upload the file to your arduino, and make sure to select arduino mega 2560 (if you're using arduino mega) and make sure to select the correct port.
(if you're not using arduino mega you can easily make changes in the program, i have added many comments in programming file which will guide you, if you still have problem you can always ask me)
After successful uploading, connect battery to power up hbridges, hold your robot in han, open serial monitor from arduino's IDE, set the baud rate of serial monitor to 9600 (the baud rate of source and destination should be same)
Now, Type 'F' and press Enter, all 4 motors should run. Direction of wheels on pressing 'F' is shown in figure 3 of this step.
If any motor direction is not same as shown in figure 3 then switch pins according to following:
if motor 1 is reversed >> interchange pin 22 and 23
if motor 2 is reversed >> interchange pin 28 and 29
if motor 3 is reversed >> interchange pin 36 and 37
if motor 4 is reversed >> interchange pin 44 and 45
check other characters as well:
B for backward,
L for left,
R for right,
G for forward left,
I for forward right,
H for backward left,
J for backward right,
S or D for stop
0 or 1 or 2 or 3 for anti clockwise (S or D won't work to get out of this, press 4, 5 or 6)
4 or 5 or 6 neutral (to disable anticlockwise or clockwise)
7 or 8 or 9 or q for clockwise (S or D won't work to get out of this, press 4, 5 or 6)
w or W or u or U for kicking ball (after pressing this the car door lock gun should run, or come out, or atleast move a little bit, if it is coming out and going in then its fine! otherwise interchange jumpers on pin 50 and 51 of arduino mega)
ALL DONE, it has passed all tests!
now connect the bluetooth as in the previous step,
Vcc of BT >> 5v of arduino
GND of BT >> GND of arduino
TXD of BT >> RX0 of arduino
RXD of BT >> TX0 of arduino
Step 6: Setting up Transmitter!
Download the Arduino Bluetooth RC Car app on your smartphone
the step by step images are provided.
The arrows are forward, back, left, right,
press 2 arrows for forward left, forward right, backward left, backward right
the 4 buttons next to the green area are all for kicking ball,
the slider is at neutral slide it to right for clockwise and left for anti clockwise rotations.
You're done, you have your own soccer robot! If you have done everything correctly, it should work fine.
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